The Event
Around the globe, major endurance events provide their participants with top-quality race photos. Why? Organizers work diligently to create a stellar event and photos immediately tell the story of the event’s success!

Offering race photos for free adds that extra spark to the event – making it more memorable. When event organizers incorporate free race photos into their event, the events are much more attractive to race goers.

The Sponsors
Our client companies have discovered that, by sponsoring race photos, they have found a unique marketing platform. Our photos can feature your brand logo as well as the race logo. Race participants truly enjoy photos from their events. They share them avidly across multiple social media channels,  creating extensive reach for the race and you as the sponsor!

Our clients have also found that athletes are extremely grateful to them for removing the typically high fees charged to access photos from events like these!

The Participants
Athletes love photos from their competitive events. Period. It matters not if they train seriously, or if they move their body and compete for fun. Each one will take the time to review photos of their events – looking for friends, competitors, and themselves.

When it comes to events that are timed, athletes anticipate learning their race timing results. In the same enthusiasm, they also anticipate the event photos. They enjoy seeing them, AND they enjoy sharing them – with friends, family, and their social media networks.  Photos capture the “high” of athletic events and help carry it forward long after crossing the finish line! We are here to make you look good and get your brand out in front of the community! Book us to shoot your event, or become a race photo sponsor!

Our race directors love that we commit to uploading photos within 2 hours of the race finish. With our new Fiber GigaPower service, we can often have all photos uploaded and available for viewing within 30 minutes of the end of the race!

The benefit to you as a sponsor? Race participants are able to quickly view the event photos, find top-quality photos of themselves, and then share them with excitement on social media! We create a huge buzz about your brand!

In addition, we send a post-race email with each participant’s race results. Our emails are consistently opened by over 80% of the recipients and they download at least one photo. As a photo sponsor, your brand is reaching scores of people quickly!

Choose a package below to get started!

Race Director Package

  • Race logo on all photos
  • Pre-race social media mentions
  • Post-race social media mentions
  • Photos loaded same day as event
  • Free Downloads of all Photos 

Sponsor Package

  • Race logo and Sponsor logo on all photos
  • Pre-race social media mentions
  • Post-race social media mentions
  • Photos loaded same day as event
  • Free Downloads of all Photos
